EN 13964:吊顶CE认证
EN 13964: 吊顶CE认证
EN 13964 : 吊顶-要求和试验方法
EN 13964: Suspended ceilings - Requirements and test methods
吊顶CE认证-EN 13964-CPR 305/2011/EU
CE marking to Suspended Ceilings–EN 13964 – CPR 305/2011/EU
在吊顶上加贴CE标志不但可以证明其产品符合建筑产品指令(CPR 305/2011/EU)及其相关标准(欧洲协调标准EN 13964)规定的安全,环保,卫生和消费者保护。而且可以合理规避贸易技术壁垒,在欧洲市场自由销售并打开其他国际市场。
从2013年7月1日年开始,所有进入欧盟市场的吊顶需要符合新的欧盟建筑产品法规CPR 305/2011/EU,通过测试,获得认证,并加贴CE标志。
注:欧盟建筑法规CPR(Construction Product Regulation) 305/2011/EU 全面取代欧盟建筑产品指令CPD(Construction Product Directive) 106/89/EEC, 并且从2013年7月1日起强制执行

A.产品指令: 建筑产品法规CPR(Construction Product Regulation) 305/2011/EU
EN 13964 : 吊顶-要求和试验方法
EN 13964 : Suspended ceilings - Requirements and test methods
吊顶CE认证- EN 13964-认证流程:
2、确定欧洲产品指令,吊顶需符合新的欧盟建筑产品法规CPR 305/2011/EU
3、确定欧洲协调标准,吊顶需符合协调标准EN 13964
4、根据CPR指令和协调标准EN 13964进行测试评估,欧盟公告机构根据认证体系1或者体系3进行由欧盟权威机构进行认证
5、获得由欧盟公告机构办法的测试报告和证书 (如果根据体系1认证需工厂审查)
6、发放产品性能声明(Declaration of Performance)
吊顶CE认证- EN 13964-涉及的产品范围:
该欧标提供了用于普通建筑和土木工程内部应用的吊顶设计,制造和选用的相关信息。 它涵盖完整的吊顶套件(包括自行配置,灯饰和其他产品),基材套件和和独立元件(产品),如基材,薄膜元件等。它包括测试方法和评估方法,以及标准要求的符合性评估。
The European Standard provides information for the various parties responsible for designing, manufacturing and specifying/selecting suspended ceilings used for interior applications in general building and civil engineering structures. It covers suspended ceilings sold as a complete kit (including, optionally, light fittings and other features), substructures sold as kits, individual components (products) of such substructures, and membrane components. It includes test methods and methods of assessment, as well as provisions for the evaluation of conformity of the products to the requirements of this standard.
This standard does not cover the following:
⎯ ceilings in mobile buildings, caravans and other forms of transportation,
⎯ ceilings with heating or cooling properties,
⎯ ceilings subject to water penetration requirements,
⎯ ceilings used externally where requirements other than covered by this scope would apply (tunnels, canopies,petrol stations, arcades, open sports facilities, car parks, etc.),
⎯ heavy duty suspended ceilings or their supporting construction,
The standards covers the following essential characteristics:
⎯ reaction to fire,
⎯ resistance to fire (suspended ceiling kits only),
⎯ release of asbestos (content) (suspended ceiling kits and membrane components only),
⎯ release of formaldehyde (suspended ceiling kits and membrane components only),
⎯ shatter properties (for membrane components of brittle materials in suspended ceiling kits only),
⎯ flexural tensile strength,
⎯ load bearing capacity,
⎯ electrical safety,
⎯ direct airborne sound insulation (suspended ceiling kits only),
⎯ sound absorption (suspended ceiling kits and membrane components only),
⎯ thermal conductivity (suspended ceiling kits only),
⎯ durability of flexural tensile strength and load bearing capacity against moisture,
⎯ condensation.
The standard also covers the following non-essential requirements:
⎯ colour and light reflectance,
⎯ installation.
CE marking to Suspended Ceilings–EN 13964- Requirement
防火性能Reaction to fire(必做项目):
耐火性能Fire Resistance:
如果用于隔火用途,需要根据EN 13501-2 进行耐火极限测试,耐火30分钟,60分钟或者90分钟
- EN 13501-1:2007:建筑制品和构件的火灾分级-第一部分:用对火反应试验数据的分级/EN 13501-1:2007:Fire classification of construction products and building elements-Part1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests. /
- EN 13501-2: 欧盟建筑产品及构件的耐火性能分类,第2部分:通风设备除外耐火试验数据分类./ EN 13501-2:Fire classification of construction products and building elements-Part 2: Classification using data from fire resistance tests, excluding ventilation services
- EN 520: 石膏板.定义,要求和试验方法/EN 520 : Gypsum plasterboards - Definitions, requirements and test method
- EN 14716: 拉伸顶棚-要求和试验方法/EN 14716: Stretched ceilings - Requirements and tests methods
- EN 14716: 拉伸顶棚-要求和试验方法/EN 14716: Stretched ceilings - Requirements and tests methods
- EN 20140-9,声学-建筑构件隔音测试-第9部分:吊顶房间与房间之间的隔音测试/EN 20140-9, Acoustics – Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 9:Laboratory measurements of room to room, airborne sound insulation of a suspended ceiling with plenum above it.
- EN ISO 354,声学-空响室吸音测定/ EN ISO 354:2003, Acoustics – Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room.
- EN ISO 140-3,声学-建筑隔音测试-第3部分:建筑隔音实验室测试方法/EN ISO 140-3, Acoustics – Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 3:Laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of building elements.
- EN 12667 建筑材料和制品热学性能 / EN 12667, Thermal performance of building materials and products – Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods – Products of high and medium thermal resistance
- 欧洲强制CE认证
- 美国船舶海岸警卫USCG认证
- 欧洲船舶Wheelmark认证
- Certifire防火认证
- 英国LPCB防火认证
- 美国UL认证
- 各国防火阻燃检测认证,EN13501-1,GB 8624,GB 9978, BS 476-7, BS 476-20
- 室内空气质量VOC测试, AgBB, ISO 16000-6
- 化学测试:RoHS, Reach, PAHs, 重金属测试等等
- 物理测试:拉伸强度,破坏,弯曲性能,剪切强度等
- 导热性能测试:EN 12664, EN 12667
- 隔音测试:ISO 140-3, ISO 354, ISO 20140