EN 492:纤维水泥板CE认证

EN 492:纤维水泥板及配件.产品规格和试验方法
EN 492:Fibre cement slates and fittings-Product specification and test methods

纤维水泥板CE认证-EN 492-CPR 305/2011/EU
CE marking to Fibre cement slates–EN 492– CPR 305/2011/EU



在纤维水泥条板上加贴CE标志不但可以证明其产品符合建筑产品指令(CPR 305/2011/EU)及其相关标准(欧洲协调标准EN 492)规定的安全,环保,卫生和消费者保护。而且可以合理规避贸易技术壁垒,在欧洲市场自由销售并打开其他国际市场。

注:欧盟建筑法规CPR(Construction Product Regulation) 305/2011/EU 全面取代欧盟建筑产品指令CPD(Construction Product Directive) 106/89/EEC, 并且从2013年7月1日起强制执行

纤维水泥板CE认证 – EN 492 – 需要符合的产品指令和协调标准

A.产品指令: 建筑产品法规CPR(Construction Product Regulation) 305/2011/EU
EN 492:纤维水泥条板及配件.产品规格和试验方法
EN 492:Fibre cement slates and fittings-Product specification and test methods

纤维水泥板CE认证 – EN 492 – 涉及的产品范围

Scope:This European Standard specifies the technical requirements and establishes methods of control and test as well as acceptance conditions for fibre-cement slates and their fibre-cement fittings for one or more of the following uses:
— roofing;
— internal wall finishes;
— external wall and ceiling finishes.
This European Standard applies to fibre-cement slates with a height dimension h (see Clause 4) not exceeding 850 mm for overlapping assembly. For the purpose of this European Standard, fibre-cement slates have been classified according to their bending moment.
This European Standard covers fibre-cement slates reinforced with fibres of different types as specified in 5.1.1.
This European Standard does not include calculations with regard to works, design requirements, installation techniques, wind uplift or rain proofing of the installed products.

CE marking to Fibre cement slates–EN 492- Requirement

Mechanical resistance 机械强度
External fire performance 外部防火性能
Reaction to fire  对火的反应
Water impermeability  水密性
Dimensional variations  尺寸变化率
Release of dangerous substances  危险物质的释放
Durability against warm water 耐温水耐久性
Durability against soak / dry 耐浸泡/干燥
Durability against freeze-thaw 冻融耐久性
Durability against heat-rain 热雨耐久性


2、确定欧洲产品指令,纤维水泥条板需符合新的欧盟建筑产品法规CPR 305/2011/EU
3、确定欧洲协调标准,纤维水泥条板需符合协调标准EN 492
4、根据CPR指令和协调标准EN 492进行测试评估
6、发放产品性能声明(Declaration of Performance)
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