PD CR 12471与皮肤直接接触和长时间接触的物品中镍释放的筛选试验

PD CR 12471物品中镍释放的筛选试验---标准名称


PD CR 12471 Screening tests for nickel release fromalloys and coatings in items that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin

PD CR 12471与皮肤直接接触和长时间接触的物品中镍释放的筛选试验


PD CR 12471物品中镍释放的筛选试验---标准简介


This document presents a screening procedure, based primarily on the use of dimethylglyoxime, for the detection of nickel release from items that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin.



PD CR 12471物品中镍释放的筛选试验---相关标准


EN 12472镍释放量模拟磨损和腐蚀测试

EN 1811 释放镍的参考试验方法

GB/T 22866皮革五金配件测试方法


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