EN 14509自支撑双金属面绝热夹芯板
EN 14509自支撑双金属面绝热夹芯板—标准名称
EN 14509 Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels-Factory made products-Specificaions
EN 14509自支撑双金属面绝热夹芯板
EN 14509自支撑双金属面绝热夹芯板—适用范围
This European Standard specifies requirements for factory made, self-supporting, double skin metal faced insulating sandwich panels, which are intended for discontinuous laying in the following applications: a) roofs and roof cladding; b) external walls and wall cladding; c) walls (including partitions) and ceilings within the building envelope. The insulating core materials covered by this European Standard are rigid polyurethane, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, phenolic foam, cellular glass and mineral wool.
EN 14509自支撑双金属面绝热夹芯板—测试项目和方法
EN ISO 6892-1 Mechanical properties of a face
Properties of panels
Mechanical resistance of the panel 面板机械性能
A3(芯材和面材)Shear strength and shear modulus 剪切强度和模量
A6 Creep coefficient 蠕变系数
A2.5.1/A2.5.2 Compressive strength or compressive stress 抗压强度/或应力
A.3.6 EN 1607 Shear strength after long-term loading 长期荷载下剪切强度
A1 Cross panel tensile strength拉伸强度
A.5/A5.5/E Bending moment capacity and wrinkling stress 抗弯承载力和起皱压力
A.7/A5.5/E/E2/E.7.5 Bending moment capacity and wrinkling stress over a central support中心 点支撑抗弯承载力和起皱压力
A.10.4 Thermal transmittance传热系数
Durability and other long-term effects 耐久性和长期影响
Annex B2 Reduction of tensile strength with time as a consequence of ageing (durability) 抗张强度随老化时间的影响 - 耐久性
Annex B Reduction of tensile strength with time as a consequence of ageing (durability) 抗张强度随老化时间的影响 - 耐久性
A9.1 Resistance to point loads and access loads – ceiling panels and roofs 点荷载和使用荷载耐久性
Panels subject to point loads Resistance to point loads and access loads – ceiling panels and roofs 点荷载和使用荷载耐久性
A9.2Panels subject to repeated loads Resistance to point loads and access loads – ceiling panels and roofs 点荷载和使用荷载耐久性
EN 13501-1 Reaction to fire与火反应