ISO 8296塑料.薄膜和薄板.湿润表面张力的测定
ISO 8296塑料.薄膜和薄板.湿润表面张力的测定—标准名称
ISO 8296 Plastics - Film and sheeting - Determination of wetting tension
ISO 8296塑料.薄膜和薄板.湿润表面张力的测定
ISO 8296塑料.薄膜和薄板.湿润表面张力的测定—适用范围
This International Standard specifies a method for determining the wetting tension of surfaces of plastic film and sheeting in contact with drops of specific test solutions.
ISO 8296塑料.薄膜和薄板.湿润表面张力的测定—引用文件
ISO 291, Plastics — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing