ASTM D903 胶粘剂抗剥落或剥离强度的试验方法
ASTM D903 胶粘剂抗剥落或剥离强度的试验方法—标准名称
ASTM D903 Standard Test Method for Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds
ASTM D903 胶粘剂抗剥落或剥离强度的试验方法
ASTM D903 胶粘剂抗剥落或剥离强度的试验方法—适用范围
This test method covers the determination of the comparative peel or stripping characteristics of adhesive bonds when tested on standard-sized specimens and under defined conditions of pretreatment, temperature, and testing machine speed.
ASTM D903 胶粘剂抗剥落或剥离强度的试验方法—引用文件
ASTM D907 Terminology of Adhesives