ASTM D4632/D4632M土工织物的抓样断裂荷载和延伸度的标准试验方法
ASTM D4632/D4632M土工织物的抓样断裂荷载和延伸度的标准试验方法—标准名称
ASTM D4632/D4632M Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles
ASTM D4632/D4632M土工织物的抓样断裂荷载和延伸度的标准试验方法
ASTM D4632/D4632M土工织物的抓样断裂荷载和延伸度的标准试验方法—适用范围
This test method is an index test which provides a procedure for determining the breaking load (grab strength) and elongation (grab elongation) of geotextiles using the grab method. This test method is not suitable for knitted fabrics and alternate test methods should be used. While useful for quality control and acceptance testing for a specific fabric structure, the results can only be used comparatively between fabrics with very similar structures, because each different fabric structure performs in a unique and characteristic manner in this test. The grab test methods does not provide all the information needed for all design applications and other test methods should be used
ASTM D4632/D4632M土工织物的抓样断裂荷载和延伸度的标准试验方法—引用文件
ASTM D76/D76M Specification for Tensile Testing Machines for Textiles
ASTM D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
ASTM D1776/D1776M Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles
ASTM D2905 Practice for Statements on Number of Specimens for Textiles
ASTM D4354 Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics and Rolled Erosion Control Products(RECPs) for Testing
ASTM D4439 Terminology for Geosynthetics
ASTM E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in ASTM Test Methods
ASTM E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method