ASTM C1511 测定玻璃纤维绝缘材料(飞行器型)的保水性(斥水性)性能的试验方法
ASTM C1511 Standard Test Method for Determining the Water Retention (Repellency) Characteristics of Fibrous Glass Insulation (Aircraft Type)
ASTM C1511 测定玻璃纤维绝缘材料(飞行器型)的保水性(斥水性)性能的试验方法
This test method covers a laboratory procedure for evaluating the water absorption potential of blanket insulation for aircraft, thereby providing a measure of potential weight increase due to water retention in an aircraft
ASTM C168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulation
ASTM C390 Practice for Sampling and Acceptance of Thermal Insulation Lots
ASTM C800 Specification for Fibrous Glass Blanket Insulation
ASTM E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method