ISO 16276-2防护涂料系统对钢结构的腐蚀防护.涂层粘附/粘聚(断裂应力)的评定和验收标准.第2部分
ISO 16276-2 Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating - Part 2: Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing
ISO 16276-2防护涂料系统对钢结构的腐蚀防护.涂层粘附/粘聚(断裂应力)的评定和验收标准.第2部分:划格测试和X切割测试
This part of ISO 16276 specifies procedures for rating the resistance of coating systems when a cut in the form of a right-angle lattice pattern (cross-cut) or in the form of an X (X-cut) is made into the coating, penetrating through to the substrate
ISO 2409 Paints and varnishes — Cross-cut test
ISO 12944-7 Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems —Part 7: Execution and supervision of paint work
ISO 12944-8 Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems —Part 8: Development of specifications for new work and maintenance
ISO 19840 Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems —Measurement of, and acceptance criteria for, the thickness of dry films on rough surfaces
ASTM D 3359 Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test