ASTM C1016 测定密封衬底(填缝料)材料吸水性的试验方法
ASTM C1016 测定密封衬底(填缝料)材料吸水性的试验方法—标准名称

ASTM C1016 Standard Test Method for Determination of Water Absorption of Sealant Backing (Joint Filler) Material
ASTM C1016 测定密封衬底(填缝料)材料吸水性的试验方法

ASTM C1016 测定密封衬底(填缝料)材料吸水性的试验方法—适用范围

This test method covers a laboratory procedure for determining the water absorption characteristics of sealant backing and joint filler materials, hereinafter referred to as backing

ASTM C1016 测定密封衬底(填缝料)材料吸水性的试验方法—引用文件

ASTM C 717 Terminology of Building Seals and Sealants 

ASTM E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method
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