ASTM F36衬垫材料的可压缩性和复原性的标准试验方法
ASTM F36衬垫材料的可压缩性和复原性的标准试验方法—标准名称

Standard Test Method for Compressibility and Recovery of Gasket Materials
ASTM F36衬垫材料的可压缩性和复原性的标准试验方法

ASTM F36衬垫材料的可压缩性和复原性的标准试验方法—适用范围

This test method covers determination of the short-time compressibility and recovery at room temperature of sheet gasket materials, form-in-place gaskets, and in certain cases, gaskets cut from sheets. It is not intended as a test for compressibility under prolonged stress application, generally referred to as “creep,” or for recovery following such prolonged stress application, the inverse of which is generally referred to as “compression set.” Also, it is not intended for tests at other than room temperature. A resiliency characteristic (the amount recovered expressed as a percentage of the compressed thickness) may also be calculated from the test data where desired

ASTM F36衬垫材料的可压缩性和复原性的标准试验方法—引用文件

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