ASTM D2616用灰度标评定视觉色差的标准试验方法
ASTM D2616用灰度标评定视觉色差的标准试验方法—标准名称
ASTM D2616 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Visual Color Difference With a Gray Scale
ASTM D2616用灰度标评定视觉色差的标准试验方法
ASTM D2616用灰度标评定视觉色差的标准试验方法—适用范围
This test method describes a painted gray scale and the procedure to be used in the visual evaluation of color differences of non-self luminous materials by comparison to this scale.
ASTM D2616用灰度标评定视觉色差的标准试验方法—试验意义与应用
The total perceived color difference between two non- self luminous specimens is compared as an equivalent lightness difference between two neutral gray specimens on a gray scale. A fundamental assumption is made that the total color difference can be so evaluated in terms of an equivalent lightness difference. Only the total color differences, that is, a summation of the differences in hue, lightness, and chroma between two specimens is evaluated; this test method is not applicable to the separate precise evaluation of the hue, lightness, and chroma components of color difference.
ASTM D2616用灰度标评定视觉色差的标准试验方法—引用文件
ASTM E284 Terminology of Appearance/外观的术语
ASTM E1729 Practice for Field Collection of Dried Paint Samples for Subsequent Lead Determination/用于后续铅测定的干燥油漆样品现场收集的标准惯例
ASTM E1499 Guide for Selection, Evaluation, and Training of Observers/选择、 评估和培训观察员的标准指南
AATCC Evaluation Procedure 1 Gray Scale for Color Change /色差的灰度