Flammability of polyamide-6/clay hybrid nanocomposite textiles
作者:Bourbigot, Serge, Eric Devaux, et Xavier Flambard
发表:Polymer Degradation and Stability 75, no 2 (2002): 397 402. doi:10.1016/S0141-3910(01)00245-2
The flammability of polyamide-6 (PA-6)/clay nanocomposites used as textile fabrics has been investigated. PA-6/clay nanocomposite (PA-6nano) was prepared by melt blending and had an exfoliated structure. TG curves suggest that PA-6 is slightly stabilised between 450 and 600 °C. PA-6nano was processed via melt spinning to make multifilament yarns. Textiles have been evaluated as knitted fabrics and it is shown that the heat release rate of PA-6nano evaluated with the cone calorimeter at 35 kW/m2 is reduced by 40% in comparison with pure PA-6. This result offers a new promising route for flame retarding textiles with a permanent effect (laundry resistance) at relatively low cost and keeping the basic properties of the textiles.
Polyamide-6  聚酰胺-6;
Nanocomposite  纳米复合材料;
Montmorillonite 蒙脱土;
Flammability 燃烧性;
Flame retardancy 阻燃性;
Textile 纺织品
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