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CASfire Technical Co.,Ltd
CASfire, formerly Ecosafene Fire Research Center, is Part of The Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), is a professional, leading and trustworthy institute for fire research and development , and third-party laboratory for fire testing.
CASfire, based on the research and academic capabilities of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is the highest institution of science and technology in China, provides guaranteed one-stop fire safety solutions.

CREPIM (Centre for Research and Studies for the Processes of Fireproofing Material)is one of the major European Laboratories for development and the approval of materials covered by fire regulations. CREPIM develops, guaranties and qualifies the fire performances of materials and assemblies for all concerned areas featuring the mass transportation sectors (railways, aircrafts and boats), in the building, electrical, and textile sectors.

FireTC is a B2B electronic Business platform basing on worldwide regulation for fire testing and protection. FireTC provides a media of study, discussion and research for the trader, manufacturer of fire proof materials and establishs a platform for sales and purchase.
FireTC is an information center for worldwide fire regulation and standard and flame retardant knowledge, which aim for increasing the attention for fire and avoiding fire. FireTC will provide the better service and create more business chance to manufactures and traders of fire proof material and products

Since 1983, the consulting company Fire and Environment Protection Service FEPS provides international consultancy and scientific expertise on topics related to the fire behaviour of plastics, flame retardants, the environment and other issues. FEPS helps planning and carrying out fire tests (focus on membrane roofing systems) and provides expert opinions. In addition, FEPS builds particularly robust and easy-to-handle flammability testing equipment.

SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. Recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity, we employ more than 64,000 people and operate a network of over 1,250 offices and laboratories around the world.

AFNOR is an international services delivery network that revolves around 4 core competency areas: standardization, certification, industry press, and training. The AFNOR has the unique stance of carrying out its standardization mission as a public-benefit organization while conducting some of its business in the competitive arena. The AFNOR's core strengths — know-how and expertise — forge a skillset exploited by over 75,000 customers in 90 countries worldwide.

VVUD institute is entitled to act as Authorized body No. 222 when assessing conformity and certifying products introduced to the Czech market.
Being a Notified body No. 1393 we are also commissioned to assess products launched in the European market.
Being a Notified body No. 1393 we are also commissioned to assess products launched in the European market.