Fire Testing
- [Building Material] GB 16809 Fire-resistance tests-Elements of building construction- Steel fire windows.
- [Building Material] GB 16807:Resistance test for fire intumescent seals
- [Building Material] GB14907:Resistance test for fire resistive coating for steel structure
- [Building Material] GA 97:Fire Tests on Building materials and structures –Fire-resistant glass of non-loadbearing el
- [Building Material] EN 1365-2: Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 2: Floors and roofs.
- [Building Material] ISO 1716 Determination of the heat- Building products
- [Building Material] GB/T 14768:Carpets burning behavior-method as 45°and assessment
- [Building Material] GB/T 10707:Rubber-Determination of the burning
- [Building Material] GB/T 2408:Plastics-Determination of burning characteristics-Horizontal and vertical test
- [Building Material] GB/T 16172 Test method of Heat release rate of building materials