ANSI A 137.1瓷砖测试
American National Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile

ANSI A 137.1瓷砖测试--标准概述
These Specifications describe the normally available sizes and shapes of ceramic tile: the physical properties of Standard Grade and Second Grade ceramic tile, Decorative Tile and Specialty Tile; the basis for acceptance and methods of testing prior to installation, the marking and certification of ceramic tile and the definitions of terms employed in these specifications.

ANSI A 137.1瓷砖测试--检测项目及方法:
ASTM C499 Dimensions and Thickness 长宽厚
ASTM C502 wedging of flat, rectangular 边直度,直角度
ASTM C485 warpage翘曲度
ASTM C484 Thermal shock for glazed tile 有釉砖抗热震
ASTM C650 Resistance to chemical substances 耐化学腐蚀
ASTM C1027 abrasion resistance of glazed tile  有釉砖表面耐磨
ASTM C1243 ε1 Deep abrasive wear of unglazed tile 无釉砖耐磨深度
ASTM C373 吸水率water absorption、容积密度bulk density、 气孔率Apparent porosity、表观密度apparent gravity
ASTM C609 小色差samll colour difference
ASTM C648 Breaking strength 破坏强度 
参考ASTM C424 Crazing resistance 抗龟裂
ASTM C 1378 stain resistance 耐污染
ASTM C1026 resistance to freeze/thaw cycling 冻融循环
ASTM C1028 Coefficient of friction 摩擦系数
ASTM C1505 Three point loading  三点抗折
ASTM C370 Moisture expansion 湿膨胀
ASTM C372 Thermal expansion热膨胀
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