EN 14411: 瓷砖的定义、分类、特性和标记
EN 14411: 瓷砖的定义、分类、特性和标记--测试标准
EN 14411: Ceramic tiles —— Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking
EN 14411: 瓷砖的定义、分类、特性和标记

EN 14411: 瓷砖的定义、分类、特性和标记--测试范围
This European Standard defines terms and specifies characteristics for ceramic tiles, including mosaics (i.e. any piece that can fit into a square area of 49 cm 2 ) produced by extrusion or dry-pressing techniques, used for internal and/or external floorings (including stairs) and/or walls. Furthermore, it provides the level of requirements for these characteristics and references to the test methods applied as well as provisions for the assessment and verification of the constancy of performance.

EN 14411: 瓷砖的定义、分类、特性和标记--检测项目及方法:
ISO 10545-2  GB/T 3810.2  Length  width,and thickness(长×宽×厚)、Straightness and squareness边直度和直角度、Flatness平整度、Surface quality外观质量
ISO 10545-3  GB/T 3810.3   Water absorption吸水率
ISO 10545-4  GB3810.4  Breaking strength破坏强度、Modulus of rupture破裂模数
ISO 10545-5  GB/T 3810.5  impact resistance抗冲击性
ISO 10545-6  GB 3810.6  Resistance to deep abrasion -unglazed tiles无釉砖耐磨性
ISO 10545-7  GB/T 3810.7  Resistance to surface abrasion -glazed tiles有釉砖表面耐磨性
ISO 10545-8  GB/T 3810.8  Linear thermal expansion线性热膨胀系数
ISO 10545-9  GB/T 3810.9  Resistance to thermal shock抗热震性的测定
ISO 10545-10  GB/T 3810.10  Moisture expansion湿膨胀
ISO 10545-11  GB/T 3810.11  Resistance to crazing-glazed tiles抗釉裂测试(釉面砖)
ISO 10545-12  GB/T 3810.12  Frost resistance抗冻性(室外用墙地砖)
ISO 10545-13  GB/T 3810.13  Resistance to chemical 耐化学腐蚀性
ISO 10545-14  GB/T 3810.14  Resistance to staining 耐污染
ISO 10545-15  GB/T 3810.15  Lead and cadmium release铅镉溶出量
ISO 10545-16  GB3810.16: Small colour differences色差
GB4100 附录M Coefficient of friction静摩擦系数(地砖)
参考CEN/TS 16165- 附录C Slip resistance
(REACH) Release of danger substances
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