GB/T 4100 瓷砖
GB/T 4100 瓷砖--测试标准
GB/T 4100 瓷砖——定义,等级,性状以及标志

GB/T 4100 瓷砖--测试范围

GB/T 4100 瓷砖--检测项目及方法:
ISO 10545-2  GB/T 3810.2 Length width ,and thickness(长×宽×厚)、Straightness and squareness边直度和直角度、Flatness平整度、Surface quality外观质量
ISO 10545-3  GB/T 3810.3  Water absorption吸水率
ISO 10545-4  GB3810.4  Breaking strength破坏强度、Modulus of rupture破裂模数
ISO 10545-5  GB/T 3810.5  impact resistance抗冲击性
ISO 10545-6  GB 3810.6  Resistance to deep abrasion -unglazed tiles无釉砖耐磨性
ISO 10545-7  GB/T 3810.7  Resistance to surface abrasion -glazed tiles有釉砖表面耐磨性
ISO 10545-8  GB/T 3810.8  Linear thermal expansion线性热膨胀系数
ISO 10545-9  GB/T 3810.9  Resistance to thermal shock抗热震性的测定
ISO 10545-10  GB/T 3810.10  Moisture expansion湿膨胀
ISO 10545-11  GB/T 3810.11  Resistance to crazing-glazed tiles抗釉裂测试(釉面砖)
ISO 10545-12  GB/T 3810.12  Frost resistance抗冻性(室外用墙地砖)
ISO 10545-13  GB/T 3810.13  Resistance to chemical 耐化学腐蚀性
ISO 10545-14  GB/T 3810.14  Resistance to staining 耐污染
ISO 10545-15  GB/T 3810.15  Lead and cadmium release铅镉溶出量
ISO 10545-16  GB3810.16  Small colour differences色差
GB4100 附录M Coefficient of friction静摩擦系数(地砖)
参考CEN/TS 16165  附录C Slip resistance
(REACH) Release of danger substances
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