ISO 834-6梁的特殊要求

ISO834-6建筑耐燃测定 名称概述
ISO 834-6 Fire-resistance tests-Elements of building construction-Part 6: Specific requirements for loadbearing beams
ISO 834-6 建筑构件耐火试验方法-第6部分:梁的特殊要求。
ISO834-6建筑耐燃测定 标准范围
ISO 834的这一部分规定了梁在单独测试时确定其防火性的程序。
通常情况下,梁的测试是底面和完全暴露的两个垂直侧面受火。但是,当曝光从四面或少于三面时,适当的改变受火条件是必要的。梁是楼板结构的一部分,应该结合ISO 834-5中描述对楼板结构进行测试,并对其完整性和绝缘性进行评估。
This part of ISO 834 specifies the procedures to be followed for determining the fire resistance of beams, when tested on their own.
Beams are normally tested with their underside and two vertical sides fully exposed to heating. However, when the exposure is from four sides or less than three sides, appropriate exposure conditions are necessary. Beams which are part of a floor construction are tested with the floor construction as described in ISO 834-5 and are subject to evaluation of integrity and insulation.
ISO834-6建筑耐燃测定 判定依据
ISO834-6建筑耐燃测定 其他耐火标准
ISO 834建筑构件耐火试验方法
ISO 834-1通用要求;
ISO 834-3试验方法和试验数据应用注释;
ISO 834-4承重垂直分隔构件的特殊要求;
ISO 834-5承重水平分隔构件的特殊要求;
ISO 834-6梁的特殊要求;
ISO 834-7柱的特殊要求;
ISO 834-8非承重垂直分隔构件的特殊要求;
ISO 834-9 非承重吊顶构件的特殊要求;
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