
TB/T1484机车车辆电缆 – 标准名称
TB/T1484.1 机车车辆电缆第1部分:额定电压3kv及以下标准标准壁厚绝缘电缆
TB/T1484.1 Specification for cables on board rolling stock-part 1: standard wall insulation cables up to AC 3kv
TB/T1484.2机车车辆电缆 第2部分:30KV单相电力电缆
TB/T1484.2 Locomotive and vehicle cables - Part 2: 30 kV single - phase power cables
TB/T1484.3机车车辆电缆 第3部分:通信电缆
TB/T1484.3 Specification for cables on board rolling stock. Part 3: Cables for communication networks
TB/T1484.4机车车辆电缆 第4部分:无卤低烟阻燃通信网络用电缆
TB/T1484.4 Specification for cables on board rolling stock - Part 4: Zero halogen low smoke and flame retardant cables for communication networks
TB/T1484机车车辆电缆 – 主要测试项目
单根电缆垂直燃烧试验 Single cable vertical burning test
成束电缆燃烧试验 Bundle cable burning test
烟密度试验 Bundle cable burning test
pH值及电导率试验 pH value and conductivity test
卤素含量试验 Halogen content test
毒性测定试验Toxicity measurement test 
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