BS 8491 大直径线缆着火完整性评估

BS 8491大直径线缆着火完整性评估 – 标准名称
BS 8491 Method for assessment of fire integrity of large diameter power cables for use as components for smoke and heat control systems and certain other active fire safety systems
BS 8491用于烟和热控制系统及特定的其它仍在继续的火灾安全系统部件的大直径电缆着火完整性的评估方法

BS 8491大直径线缆着火完整性评估 – 适用范围

该标准描述了一种评估大直径电力电缆防火完整性的方法,该电缆用作BS 7346-6中给出的烟雾和热控制系统的组件,以及某些其他主动式火灾安全系统。它适用于额定电压不超过600/ 1000V且总直径大于20 mm的电缆。

This British Standard describes a method for assessment of the fire integrity of large diameter power cables for use as components for smoke and heat control systems as given in BS 7346-6, and certain other active fire safety systems. It is applicable to cables of rated voltage not exceeding 600/1000 V and of overall diameter greater than 20 mm.

BS 8491大直径线缆着火完整性评估 – 相关标准
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EN 60332-1-2 电缆和光缆在火焰条件下的试验—第1-2部分:单根绝缘电线电缆火焰垂直蔓延试验—1KW预混合火焰程序
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