ENV 1187 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Test methods for external fire exposure to roofs


ENV 1187 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Test methods for external fire exposure to roofs
ENV 1187 Fire tests on building materials and structures– Standard:
ENV 1187 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Test methods for external fire exposure to roofs
ENV 1187 Fire tests on building materials and structures–Standard Scope:
This European Standard specified four methods for determining the performance of roofs to external fire exposure. The four methods assess the performance of roofs under the following conditions:
1.with burning brands
2.with burning brands and wind
3.with burning brands, wind and supplementary radiant heat
4.two stage test method incorporating burning brands, wind and supplementary radiant heat.
The tests assess the fire spread across the external surface of the roof. the fire spread within the roof (tests 1.2.3), the fire penetration(tests 1.3.4) and the production of flaming droplets or debris falling from the underside of the roof or from the exposed surface(tests 1.3.4).
Tests 2 and 3 are not applicable to geometrically irregular roofs or roof mounted appliances e.g ventilators and roof light.
ENV 1187 Fire tests on building materials and structures–Relative Standard :
ISO 1182: Reaction to fire tests for products -- Non-combustibility test
GB/T 5464:Non-combustibility test method of building materials
BS 476: Fire tests on building materials and structures
BS 476-7:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 7: Method of Test to Determine
the Classification of the Surface Spread of Flame of Products
EN 13501-1: Fire classification of construction products and building elements- Part1:
Classification using data from reaction to fire tests
AS 1530:Methods for fire tests on building materials,components and structures
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