Civil-military integration boosts science city's growth
Source:未知    Issue:2017-06-19 13:49    Size:【Large】【Middle】【Small
 Chengdu, a megacity in western China , is becoming a rol e model nationwide in implementing a recent civil-military integration initiative.
The China-made amphibious aircraft AG600, the largest of its kind in the world, is expected to embark on its maiden flight over land in late May, Aviation Industry Corp. of China said.
The large aircraft’s ears and eyes were both independently developed by a Chengdu company.
CETC Avionics is responsible for the research and manufacture of the communication and navigational system of the AG600.
“As a core part of the aircraft’s avionics systems, the communication and navigational system conducts signal transmission for ground-toair communication, ensuring safe takeoff and landing, thus the ears and eyes analogy,” said Wang Yanbin, a senior designer with the company.
One of the most important things is ensuring that the system will keep working normally in extreme environmental conditions, Wang said.
CETC Avionics, located in Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, boasts one of China’s most professional and exper ienced civil aircraft communication and navigational system research teams and made the communications and navigational system and in-flight entertainment systems for China’s first homemade large passenger jet, the C919.
The AG600, about the size of a Boeing 737, has a maximum takeoff weight of 53.5 metric tons and a maximum range of 4,500 kilometers. The aircraft is designed to carry out maritime rescues and battle forest fires.
It can also be adapted to meet various requirements, such as maritime environmental monitoring, resource detection and delivery of supplies to islands and reefs.
More than 10,000 researchers from more than 150 companies and 10 universities across China took part in the research and development of the AG600.
Chengdu has developed a complete indust r ial chain for aviat ion, ranging from design and R&D to manufacturing, from operation and maintenance to personnel training, and from core parts production to aircraft assembly.
Because of the city’s st rong research capabilities and solid foundations in aviation, a group of universities and institutes have located related projects that are transforming and industrializing scientific research achievements.
On April 7 a groundbreaking ceremony for Beihang Western Internat ional Innovat ion Por t took place in Chengdu Science City, following the signing of a collaboration agreement between Beihang University and the Chengdu government last August.
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