BS 5839-1:Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings
BS 5839-1:Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings
BS 5839-1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings– Standard :
BS 5839-1:Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings -- Part 1: Code of practice for system design, installation, commissioning and maintenance
BS 5839-1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings–Standard Scope:
This part of BS 5839 provides recommendations for the planning, design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings, other than dwellings. It does not recommend whether or not a fire alarm system should be installed in any given premises. Recommendations for fire detection and alarm systems in dwellings are given in BS 5839-6.
This part of BS 5839 does not cover systems whose primary function is to extinguish or control fire, such as sprinkler or automatic extinguishing systems, even though they might have a secondary alarm function; it does, however, cover the use of a signal from an automatic extinguishing system as one initiating element of a fire alarm system (e.g. by use of a pressure or flow switch).
BS 5839-1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings– Relative Standard :
- BS 476: Fire tests on building materials and structures
- BS 476-7:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 7: Method of Test to Determine the Classification of the Surface Spread of Flame of Products
- EN 13501-1: Fire classification of construction products and building elements- Part1:
Classification using data from reaction to fire tests
- AS 1530:Methods for fire tests on building materials,components and structures
- AS/NZS 1530.1:Methods for fire tests on building materials,components and structures
Combustibility test for materials
- AS/NZS 1530.2:Methods for fire tests on building materials,Components and structures –Test for flammability of materials
- GB 8624: Classification for burning behavior of building materials and products