EN 50267-2-3 Acidity test
EN 50267-2-3 Acidity test– Standard
EN 50267-2-3 common test methods for cables under fire conditions-tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables-Part 2-3: Procedures-Determination of degree pf acidity of gases for cables by determination of the weighted average of PH and conductivity.
EN 50267-2-3 Acidity test– Test requirements
The samples should be stored at a temperature of (23 ± 2) ℃ and a relative humidity of (50 ± 5)% for at least 16 hours
EN 50267-2-3 Acidity test– Scope
EN 50267-2-3 specifies the test method and procedure for the determination of the degree of acidity of gases evolved during the combustion of electric or optical cables by determination of the weighted average of pH and conductivity of the constituent materials.
NOTE The relevant cable standard should indicate which materials from the cable should be tested.
EN 50267-2-3 Acidity test – Relative Standard
EN 60754-1: Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables. Part 1. Determination of the halogen acid gas content
EN 60754-2: Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables. Part 2. Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity
EN60754-3:Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables. Measurement of low level of halogen content by ion chromatography